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Cyborg beginnings
Cyborg Beginnings was a group project from 2nd year of which I was a part. I was predominantly one of the designers, but I also did the audio, dialogue and loose production work near the end, such as sorting out a schedule for the project to be done by and talking about target audiences and rationale. I was once again responsible for taking down meeting notes and timings, and this was good practice before doing more note taking in 3rd year as the team leader and producer. The team was known as Wee 7, and strived to make a fast-paced combo-driven hack and slash game inspired by the Dynasty Warriors series with an artstyle inspired by Borderlands.

The overall production ended with a one level scenario in which the main character, Solbrid, resolved to wreak havoc on Cycorp for what it has done to his family.
The player could run around an open-training ground where they were to take out all the other cyborg creations. Unaccustomed to their new body, Solbrid is forced to retreat. This acted as a basic tutorial for the rest of the game.

My role & contributions
As stated, my role in this project was one of the designers. There were three of us on this project, so the different jobs were divided up.
I did a lot of concept artwork for lots of base game ideas during discussions in the early weeks and then some greyboxing. Those ideas were then picked up by one of the other designers, with some of them being refined and put into a second version of the greybox - more detailed and intricate than the preliminary one - and these became the basis for the first level.
As those concepts were being iterated and re-designed; I handled the re-drafts of the narrative and overall level flow, including a draft of the dialogue to be used during the level. We all contributed to the development of the game design document.
As there was no dedicated audio designer, I also took on the mantle of doing the game's audio. This was my first ever endeavour at producing audio, so it consists of sounds effects being put through Audacity and manipulated to make them my own.

00:00 / 00:01
Enemy Pain SE
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Combat Noises
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