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James Hunter_edited_edited.jpg
Passionate about Games, Narrative and Inspiring Others

My name is James Hunter, an Abertay graduate from a small town called Glenrothes. I've spent the last few years studying Game Design and Production at Abertay University in Dundee; and I'm keen to get out into the world and start making things!

In my free time, I love writing stories, fanfiction and narratives as well as playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends. As a gamer, my personal favourite genres are puzzle and strategy for the challenge and depth they can offer the mind, but I generally enjoy games of most genres in some capacity. I enjoy sharing stories and chatting with others, and testing my skills in a myriad of different competitive or co-operative games. Some of my most favourite titles contain compelling stories and/or characters that drive me to see the game through to the end. Incredible music and art can help elevate an experience from standard to legendary, one that will be remembered for years to come.


In a professional capacity: I have taken part in two game jams; published a charity project that was developed under my leadership; given 100 hours of voluntary service back; taken on a quality assurance internship with a local company in Dundee; been interviewed four times; assisted in the production of an Abertay promotional video; participated in an Abertay open day to showcase our 3rd year project; and researched a dissertation topic all about accessibility and expanding the gaming market to everybody; which went to be showcased at the Abertay Digital Graduate Show 2020.


I have experience in all the pipelines from the gaming industry, from programming to art to audio to quality assurance. This knowledge allows me to be an effective team leader and producer who understands all the intricacies of game development, from the simple to the very complicated. I favour production and design as my main skills, but I am familiar in several different software packages for a variety of tasks; from Word and Excel for recording data and note-taking to basic programming and prototyping in Unity/Unreal/Python to making place-holder audio in Audacity to editing and creating assets via Photoshop/Illustrator/Mudbox.


As a producer, I am versed in hosting meetings and gathering information from team members, creating and assigning tasks and then managing their progress, updating clients and other interested parties of project developments, and organising bug testing and quality assurance tests to ensure a solid user experience. In terms of design, I am always looking for effective ways to design a game with accessibility features in mind; as a result of gaining much knowledge and experience in the field from an influential third year project.

  • BA (Hons) 2.1 in Game Design and Production, University of Abertay

  • Saltire Award: The Ascent 100 Hours

  • 2015 Highers in English (A), German (A), Biology (B), Chemistry (C), Maths (C) and a 2016 Advanced Higher Biology (D), a higher in Computing Studies (B), Modern Studies (B) and a National 4 in Spanish.

  • References available upon request!

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